Friday, December 16, 2016

Bassano Lodge

Bassano Lodge's Installation of 2017 Officers

Thursday, January 12th at 7:30 PM

December Meeting


Request for your attendance at a Regular Communication of Brooks Lodge No. 73, A.F. & A.M., G.R.A. to be held in the Masonic Temple, 531 3rd Avenue West, Brooks, Alberta on Monday evening, December 19, 2016 at 7:30 PM.

*Please bring some non-perishable food for our local Food Bank, Thank You!

Business: Regular Business and Election of Officers

Master's Message

Our November meeting was a very enjoyable evening. My thanks to V.W. Bro Giroldi for his always interesting masonic education, and to Bro. Beasley for telling us about your trip to Texas and sharing the masonic history with us.

With the festive season approaching fast, we, as Masons, must stop and remember the reason for the season. Let us remember those less fortunate than us in your prayers and in your charities. At our December 19th Meeting it would be especially nice if we could all bring some non-perishable foods for our local Food Bank. May the joy of the season be with you all.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Fraternally yours,
A.E. Fyfe, WM

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Remembrance Day Service


WM Albert will NOT be available on Friday, November 11th, to represent the Lodge and lay the wreath at the Remembrance Day Service. He is asking if there is a Brother who might be available to do this?

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Master's Message

From RT. W. Bro. Murray, W.M. Elect for 2015:

Message to V.W. Bro. Cowan:  The Officers and members of our Lodge thank you for your outstanding leadership over the past two years serving as our Worshipful Master. You have been and will continue to be an inspiration to the Officers who have served under you. Your great administrative ability has been noticed and certainly appreciated. We are sure that you will continue your service to Brooks Lodge where ever you are needed just as you have done for the past 30 years...

Joint Meeting for Installation

Installation of Officers for 2015 and Joint Meeting of Bassano Lodge No. 55 and Brooks Lodge No. 73, was held in Bassano on Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 7:30 P.M. 

Monday, June 16, 2014


Request for your attendance at a Regular Communication of Brooks Lodge No. 73, A.F. & A.M., G.R.A. to be held in the Masonic Temple, 531 3rd Avenue West, Brooks, Alberta on Monday evening, June 16, 2014 at 6:00 PM.

Regular Business and Annual Barbecue...

Annual Barbecue will commence at 7:00 PM following the meeting. Casual dress for the meeting and Barbecue. All members with their family and friends are invited to attend. Please bring your own meat as all else for the meal will be supplied...

June Birthday Greetings 

D. MacIntyre, L. Burt, D. Ingram, R. Murray, R. Kibsey, D. Stock, R. Cowan, B. Jackson, 
J. Haley, K. Crawford and A. Fyfe...

July Birthday Greetings 

L. Hamm, B. Jones, J. Buckler, M. MacDonald, T. Adeniran, B. Graves and C. Cameron...


Sunday, May 18, 2014


Request for attendance at a Regular Communication of Brooks Lodge No. 73, A.F. & A.M., G.R.A. to be held in the Masonic Temple, 531 - 3rd Ave. West, Brooks, Alberta on Tuesday Evening, May 20th, 2014 at 7:30 PM...

Business: Regular Business...

May Birthday Greetings

W. Slenders, G. Zander, M. Nakamura and G. Carlson...


Fraternally yours, 
Bro. Crawford

Monday, May 12, 2014

Master's Message

Master's Message for May, 2014... 


I would like to again congratulate our officers and the degree team on the excellent work they did last month in putting on the MM Degree. I would also like to congratulate our newest Master Mason, Bro. Zhang on his dedication to the work and the excellent manner in which he proved up in the Fellow Craft degree.

Thank you to all of the brethren who travelled to Mizpah Lodge for their third degree. We had twelve of our members in attendance which was fantastic! Thank you to WBro Alvis for filling in for me in the east. I enjoyed the sun and warmth of Puerto Vallarta and was hoping to bring some back with me but to no avail.

I would also like to thank WBro. Fyfe for serving as JW for the past three months. We all wish him the best of health and know we can continue to count on his regular attendance and support. Thank you to WBro Dunlop and VWBro Giroldi for volunteering to assume the JW’s chair – I greatly appreciate your support and know the lodge will continue to be well looked after during times of refreshment and fellowship. Lastly I want to thank RWBro. Nick Richardson, WBro. Bob Burns and Bro. Cordell Dyck for volunteering to bring refreshments to our May meeting.

I encourage all of you to come out this month to support your officers and the Lodge in spreading the cement that unites us into one sacred Society of Friends and Brothers. We look forward to having a large turn out for fellowship amongst our Brethren.

Fraternally yours,
W. Bro. Roger Cowan

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Master's Message

Master's Message for April 2014...


April will be a very busy month. Our regular meeting will be held on Easter Monday April 21st and I would like to thank W Bro Alvis for agreeing to fill in for me as Worshipful Master as I will be away on holidays.

It is a coincidence that the celebration of Easter is about our Lord’s promise of resurrection and rebirth and we will again be putting on the M.M. degree in April at an emergent meeting on Tuesday April 8th. Also we will also be traveling to Mizpah Lodge on April 15th to witness a MM degree in the Canadian rite performed by York Rite College. We will car-pool to Medicine Hat and leave from Brooks Lodge at 6:00PM on April 15th.

I encourage each of you to reflect on the teachings and symbolism found in the MM degree and come out to welcome our newest brother as we raise him to the sublime degree of a Master Mason at our emergent meeting and also join us as we travel to Medicine Hat for a unique educational experience in the Canadian Rite.

Lodge officers and members of the degree team are reminded that we will be holding a practice on Sunday, April 6th at 1 PM in preparation for the MM degree.

Brethren did you know that a lodge is opened by the Worshipful Master in "due form" which means according to ancient usages, customs, laws and ritual of the Grand Lodge. That a Grand Lodge is opened by the Grand Master in "ample form" meaning he has the power and authority to deviate from common ritual to save time. At our last meeting the Grand Master exercised his right of “ample form” during the closing. He declared the Lodge closed with one stroke of the gavel.

Fraternally yours,
W. Bro. Roger Cowan